Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cognitive Distortions & Depression Mood Chart

These have appeared elsewhere on the site, but...uploaded them again, so posting them again: the Cognitive Distortions according to CBT, by way of David Burns's Feeling Good Handbook.

And here's a Tought Log how-to (at let me know if you know of a better one). Which Cognitive Distortion best describes each of your automatic thoughts...?

While on the topic, here's a Daily Mood Chart for Depression from log and a sheet of instructions.

Friday, July 16, 2010

ABCD Thought Log

Posted at (my private practice site), here's the ABCD Thought Log being used at the monthly free CBT clinic now underway in L.A. (ABCD = Activiting Event, Belief, Consequence, Dispute.)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Values Worksheet

From, here's a two-page Values Worksheet. A list of values to consider as core values, then some questions--intended for internship completers, but adjustable to your situation--about your values and goals.