Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

Speak Up! Workbook

Here's the STIR Speak-Up Manual via the Missouri Department of Mental Health.
The training is designed to empower people with developmental disabilities. It provides the practical, “how to” tools necessary for anyone who is interested in being a self-advocate and leader in making choices and decisions about how they live their lives.
Chapters included: Knowing Yourself, Communication and Self-Assertiveness, and Problem Solving. We'll label it "life skills" and "communication."

Monday, December 19, 2016

Red-Blue Dialogue

For the holidays and beyond, some help bridging the red-blue divide--if only temporarily. After that, gloating and resistance can safely resume.

--Here's a ten-page guide from using something called reflective structured dialogue (RSD).

--Avoid politics altogether with this Time for Family, Time for Talk workbook from

--Or provoke fights with Let's Talk About the Presidential Election from the ADL, a guide intended for classroom use. But who says you can't give your relatives writing assignments?

Good luck!
