You may have encountered
The Whole-Brain Child, Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson's
how-to manual aimed at helping you...
Raise calmer, happier children using twelve key strategies, including
Name It to Tame It: Corral raging right-brain
behavior through left-brain storytelling, appealing to the left brain's
affinity for words and reasoning to calm emotional storms and bodily
Engage, Don't Enrage: Keep your child thinking and listening, instead of purely reacting.
Move It or Lose It: Use physical activities to shift your child's emotional state.
Let the Clouds of Emotion Roll By: Guide your children when they are stuck on a negative emotion, and help them understand that feelings come and go.
SIFT: Help children pay attention to the Sensations,
Images, Feelings, and Thoughts within them so that they can make better
decisions and be more flexible.
Connect Through Conflict: Use discord to encourage empathy and greater social success.
With half of the book's twelve key strategies loaded up, you may be ready to launch straight into the companion
Whole-Brain Child Workbook. This time via worksheets, the book...
[G]ives parents the tools and skills necessary to not only parent more
effectively but to help their children grow into emotionally healthy,
flexible and happy adults who can sustain intimate connections.
Sounds like a plan. Good luck!